Friday, April 18, 2008

Pictures of my problem...

This is my piece of crap house. Please acknowlegde the HUGE size of it. I know. It's really ugly. But now that it is falling apart even more, we are completely redoing the outside in a couple of weeks.

(The house is not sinking.... I don't know how to take pictures)
This is the problem, see the crushed metal. That is not a good thing...

Nice close up of the top of the poarch falling down.

This is the support thing that Brian made.


Sarah D. said...

Hi Kirsten! This is Sarah from Bunko. I found your blog off of Adrienne's and thought I'd stop by. Sorry about the house! I know that in the end, though, it will be beautiful! Hang in there!

Amanda J said...

The house has a lot of potential! As long as you can keep it from falling over... ha ha. So how long is it going to take until you find out if your insurance is going to cover the damages?

Sarah and Tim said...

I found your blog from sarah d. Glad that your front porch didn't fall down during that crazy earth quake!! It sure was nerve wracking!
Oh, and I think you have a very cute, large house!
