Friday, April 18, 2008

Trip to the Zoo!!

Yesterday Reese had a Field Trip to the Mesker Park Zoo. I was actually able to find a babysitter for the other girls so I could with her. When we got there, she could not stop running. She was so excited about seeing all of the animals we had to run to every exhibit! The only downside of the Zoo was that her eyes were itchy. But other than that it was great!
Since Evansville is the nastiest place in the world for allergies, Reese has had a really bad case of Hay Fever for the past 2 weeks. I have been pumping her up with Claritan and it really hasn't made any big improvements. I just switched her to Zyrtec last night, hopefully it will work.
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1 comment:

Amanda J said...

I really like that picture of you and Reese! I bet she really liked being able to spend time with you alone!
