Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Okay.....NOW!!!! (Baby Stats)

Had a Doctor's appointment today. Still no change! I am still 5 cm dilated and 70% effaced and technically have been in labor for the past 7 days (and counting...). I feel like I want to DIE!!! I am still getting contractions (can you say "useless"?) all day long. Every once in a while they start coming 3 minutes apart and are accompanied with back labor and will last for hours. (It lasted for 5 last night!) I've decided that I'm not going into Triage anymore, because they will somehow stop everything and send me home again. I plan being pregnant forever because my body is retarded.

Baby Stats:
Very Healthy!
Weighs 8lbs!
Already weighs 8lbs!
3 weeks before it's due date and weighs 8lbs!
Did I mention that she is HUGE and weighs 8lbs?!
