Friday, April 1, 2011

I went to the Zoo

Oh I went to the zoo, And what did I see?
I saw a great big tiger, Lookin' at me
He went Raaar, raaar He went Raaar, raaar
He went Raaaar raaar raar, And that's what he said to me

Oh I went to the zoo, And what did I see?
I saw a great big monkey, Lookin' at me
He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o, He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o
He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o, And that's what she said to me!

Ok, so the tiger didn't roar at us and we didn't see a great big monkey or an elephant or any polar bears. But during Spring Break I took the girls (by myself) to the zoo. Evansville doesn't have a really big zoo, but they try really hard. The girls had fun and I'm sure that we'll do it again.
