On Wednesday my house caught on fire. Well not really, we had a chimney fire and the fire department showed up so that was nice. Now we don't have any heat in the back part of the house ( the kitchen and the family room)... (the furnaces are connected to the chimney...) So now we are waiting for someone to come and take a look at it so we can use it again. But it is cold in the kitchen and the computer is in the kitchen and I am cold right now...
And then Thursday night my darling first born threw a shoe at a window that was about 100 yrs old and BROKE IT! Brian and I just started laughing! Of course she broke the window!! So far the past months have been HORRIBLE!!! (not for me for Brian, work stuff) And all we can do now is just laugh!
Here is a picture of the damage. Ignore the blue painters tape, I lost interest in painting and someday will finish it...