Tuesday, September 7, 2010

HOLY CRAP! OWWW!!! 34 week update...

My body is seriously under attack with this child!

About 8 years ago I broke about 3 ribs on the left side of my body. They healed kinda funny (like not in the right place) and even now when I lay on my side weird or if I get to much pressure on them it hurts. Well guess who decided to find those ribs!!! She has gotten so big that I can feel her "down there" and in my ribs at the same time. Do you know what its like to be hit at both places at the same time? Well it sucks. And it's just going to get worse because she has to stay in there for another 4 weeks. Anyways, back to my pain... It feels like she is curling her toes around them and re braking them! I am having a hard time breathing (because of the shooting pains from the ribs), I can't bend over (because she is there!) and everything else has gone to crap.

This just isn't fair. I'm 5'1". I shouldn't be having babies this big. (Stupid Brian...)

Well, here's the update:

How I feel: Angry. She has gone past her welcome and needs to be evicted.

Sleep: Nope, don't remember what that actually is... I having been stressing over her coming. i.e. going into labor and not having a plan for my kids.

Gender: Girl. But will be having another Ultrasound in 2 weeks, so we'll check again.

Weight Gain: Ugh..5 more lbs (in 2 weeks). That's a total of 41 lbs all together... But, most of it is just water weight (unless my Dr is lying to me). I have been swelling really bad in the past couple of weeks. Worried that I might get pre-eclampsia again.

Labor Signs: I don't even want to talk about them.... I'm contracting all of the time.
