Lots and lots and lots of stuff happening since I last posted.... I'll go into more detail of everything later, but here's a preview....
Competitive cheer. It's a life sucker, be prepared....
New dog, cause we definitely needed 3. Spoiler alert: It's a freaking Jack Russell/Pitt Bull. He's psycho as hell and has SO.MUCH ENERGY.
I still hate everything about summer.
Best day ever (first day of school) and the worst day ever (last day of school)
Jude (He gets his own post)
More Jude
California funeral trip.
Every holiday that I missed telling ya'll about
Tatum (she gets her own post, literal nightmare...)
A couple Nutcrackers that I made Brian sit thru to watch his children dance their hearts out
I guess the girls can get their own post too
Tons more, I'll figure those out later
And here's the best part......
We FINALLY finished our kitchen remodel/its basically a new house!!!! It is seriously amazing!!!
And then I burnt it down. Like for real. Gone.
And I did it right before Christmas, cause that's how I roll....