Friday, February 27, 2009


Frazzled, I am definitely frazzled...

You're a frazzled mom if... ( found this off the Internet )
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...dealing with your kids makes you want to beat your head against the wall...and you do.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...every time your two and half year old point blank refuses to go to the toilet, `I DON'T need to gooooooo!!!! and two minutes later pees on the floor and you want to kill her, cry like a baby and sign up for `failed mothers 101' all at the same time, whilst still being loving and supportive so toilet training is not a negative experience for her!!!!!!!!!!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom forget your kid's name!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom haven't slept 8 straight hours in years!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...whenever you go shopping, you hear the familiar voice come over the loud speaker, "Clothes rack over in Ladies."
  • You know you're a frazzled mom look forward to the 2 days in the hospital after your baby is born...just to get some rest!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom have all your kids in bed with you at some point during the night.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...Wednesday night's dinner consists of corn pops and pop tarts.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...your idea of "free time" is going to Wal-Mart WITHOUT your kids!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom end up screaming, "I have needs too!!" to 3 stunned faces
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...everyone in the house is screaming your name at the same time.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom yell, "Stop jumping on the sofa!" 10 times a day.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom sweep the floor 3 times a day
  • You know you're a frazzled mom if...everyone in the store knows the names of your kids by the time you leave!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom deny knowing your kids in public.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom NEVER go to the bathroom alone.
  • You know you're a frazzled mom try to give your one year old a kiss and end up getting pummeled in the face!
  • You know you're a frazzled mom have no idea what "me time" is.

So I guess I am a frazzled mom.

Brian's on a business trip in Louisville, he's not coming home until tomorrow.

Bed time is at 6:30 pm tonight!
