Thursday, December 25, 2008

Almost had a baby....

I almost had our baby last night. I have been getting really hard contractions for the past two days and decided to go in last night to get checked out. Turns out I am already dilated to 4 cm and 70% effaced. But the Doctor on call was really worried at I am only 36 weeks so he decided to stop me from going in to labor. I'm so annoyed! I could of had a baby in my arms right now! They stopped the contractions by hooking me up to an IV of something and giving me a shot of Terbutaline to stop the preterm labor. As soon as I got the shot, my body started shaking uncontrollably and I started freezing. About an hour later the contractions were really spaced apart and I was sent home. I am still kinda jittery and I have started to get contractions again today. So we will see what happens. I just don't want to have to go in again and have them stop the labor again.


Sarah Jane said...

They did that to me at 36 weeks too...and I made it to 38 weeks, barely!!! You are alot further along than I was though!! Thinking baby thoughts for you!!

Amanda J said...

Dang it! Hopefully they'll let you have her soon!

Unknown said...

So you had to go in on Christmas Eve! That stinks! I'm sorry!
