Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Linny Pinny!

Yesterday was Kailyn's 2nd Birthday. We just had a family party, nothing big.

She is definitely taking full advantage of being 2 years old! She is a completely different child now from what she was a couple of months ago (I really miss that cuddly happy baby!) Now she is a giant monster that throws tantrums, bites and screams. One thing that we noticed about her is that she is VERY dramatic!

For instance:

Brian and I will tell her No, she will then proceed to fall backwards and pretend to faint. Kinda like one of those fainting goats...

Kailyn talks up a storm! Here are some of her favorite sayings:

Oh, man!

No, Mom.

Ha! I Farted!

You funny Daddy!

1 comment:

Julie Barb said...

Happy Birthday Kailyn!
