I had my ultrasound today. Can you guess what we're having? That's right, a GIRL!! You should of seen the look on Brian's face when the tech told us what it was. He is so upset, he wanted a boy so bad!! At least the girls are happy about it.....
Oh, the tech did say that this baby is a little on the "large" side for it's age. Right now the baby weighs 1 lb 9 oz. I guarantee you that this baby will be HUGE when she's born!
Ha ha, oh man! You know, my aunt had 5 girls... So did my grandparents...
Oh my gosh!!! Well, I want to say congratulations and that's exciting...cause I love little girls...I wanted another one so bad! BUT I'm also sorry that you didn't see something new on that ultrasound! :) Sorry!
Well at least it wasn't a surprise, we guessed it all along. Don't worry...you still have like 2 more chances.
Congratulations!! I am glad she is looking big and healthy! That is the important thing.
Congratulations!! I am happy for you!! At least you will have plenty of girl clothes for her to wear!! Have you thought of any names yet?? Talk to you soon!!
Well, congratulations????? (I think LOL). I hope she stays healthy and is just as cute as the other girls!
Yay!! Congrats. You can give her to me if you want!!! I'm sure she'll be cute like the rest of them! How many will you have before you stop trying for a girl? I am the 4th girl in my fam too:)
No way...another girl...I'll make you a deal...I'll trade you one of my boys for one of your girls:) hehe...I can't believe that...poor Brian! Congrats!
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