So, last night the girls were in the dining room playing with a half deflated air mattress, they were bouncing each other off of it having a good 'ole time. They were have such a great time that their laughter caused a reaction in Brian's head, and he ran right over to play with them. So they continue to bounce each other of the half deflated air mattress. Brian bounces each girl up, they come down giggling and screaming for more. Well it was Ashlee's turn again. Somehow, instead of coming down back on to the air mattress, she was thrown about 8 feet to the other side of the room on to the floor.... She started screaming, I checked to see if her shoulder popped out and for broken arms, they were fine. I tried to get her to raise her arm up over her head and she go only do it half way up and then starts screaming in pain. Brian (the King of Broken Bones) thinks that it is her collar bone....