Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Okay.....NOW!!!! (Baby Stats)

Had a Doctor's appointment today. Still no change! I am still 5 cm dilated and 70% effaced and technically have been in labor for the past 7 days (and counting...). I feel like I want to DIE!!! I am still getting contractions (can you say "useless"?) all day long. Every once in a while they start coming 3 minutes apart and are accompanied with back labor and will last for hours. (It lasted for 5 last night!) I've decided that I'm not going into Triage anymore, because they will somehow stop everything and send me home again. I plan being pregnant forever because my body is retarded.

Baby Stats:
Very Healthy!
Weighs 8lbs!
Already weighs 8lbs!
3 weeks before it's due date and weighs 8lbs!
Did I mention that she is HUGE and weighs 8lbs?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Kirstin, I'm sorry!!! I don't envy you, that's for sure! Maybe you will have a New Year's Baby! Well, as crazy as that would be...the sooner the better, right!? Luke was born January 10th...I remember just praying we'd get through the holidays before he came. I'll be thinking of you!
